Research group - MTA-DE Early Science Learning Research Group

RG Leader

Revákné Dr. Markóczi Ibolya PhD Habil.

  • Associate professor
  • University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology,  Institute of Biology and Ecology, Department of Biology Teching Method
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  • MTMT

    Ibolya Markóczi Revák graduated as a biology- chemistry teacher for secondary school at Kossuth Lajos University Debrecen in 1986. For nearly 30 years she has been preparing biology pre-service teachers for methodology of biology teaching, responsible for the basic biology subjects of biologist and biochemical engineer students, instructor of Hungarian and English language subjects. Lecturer of pedagogy of enviromental education, didactical problems of science education and development of problem-solving thinking for PhD students. She is responsible for the undivided and short-cycle biology, integrated natural and environmental sciences teacher training courses. Supervisor of 5 PhD students in UD Doctoral Program on Educational Sciences and Juhász-Nagy Pál Doctoral School. Under his leadership nearly 180 thesis and 6 papers were published related to National Scientific Students' Associations Conference of which three of the latter scored first and three second places. Research areas: scientific probelm-solving at primary and secondary level, science learning at primary level, influence of project method in science teaching, energy awareness at different levels of education. Participant in national and international research programs, hungarian leader and researcher in MÖB-DAAD, Hungarian German Research Exchange Program, 2004-2008 which examined the natural science conceptual knowledge and thinking of elementary school students. Member, group leader and professional implementer of several research projects related to education, environmental education and teacher training. Member of Subcommittee on subject pedagogy of Committee on Pedagogy at MTA then vice-chairman since 2015.

    RG Deputy Leader

    Dr. Tóth Zoltán PhD Habil.

    • ret. Associate professor
    • University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology
    • Institute of Chemistry Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
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    Research interests: knowledge structure-studies (knowledge-scpace theory, word association method), conceptual comprehension difficulties (misconceptions, P-prims), research base and context-based teaching



    Babcsányi-Tóth Gabriella

    • Mathematics teacher, PhD student
    • University of Debrecen, Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences Didactics – teaching of mathematical and computational sciences
    • E-mail


    Research interests: Area of research: introducing algebraic concepts in lower secondary school through mathematical games using concrete and pictorial representations; developing a curriculum for introducing, processing and practising basic algebraic concepts in grades 1-4. To develop and implement the introduction and practice of algebra and number theory, using a variety of subjects (music, visual arts, physical education), through different senses (hearing, touch, etc.), up to the 4th and 4th grades, to help pupils to acquire a multifaceted knowledge of algebra and number theory, depending on their ability and knowledge.

    Dr. Bujdosó Gyöngyi PhD Habil.

    • Associate professor
    • University of Debrecen, Faculty of Informatics, Department of Computer Science
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    • MTMT



    Research interests: IT in education, disruptive technologies in information transfer, virtual reality in education, the role, tools, methods and impact of e-learning, computer-assisted instruction methodology

    Dr. Csernoch Mária PhD Habil.

    • Associate professor
    • University of Debrecen, Faculty of Informatics, Department of Computer Science
    • E-mail
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    Research interests: Computer-assisted word processing Informatics didactics Computer-assisted instruction

    Csontosné Herendi Borbála

    • French, physics and chemistry teacher, PhD student
    • Eötvös Loránd University Doctoral School of Physics
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    Research interests: Teaching physics

    Szilágyiné Dr. Czimre Klára PhD

    • Assistant professor
    • University of Debrecen  Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Geosciences
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    • MTMT


    Research interests: His interests focus on border studies and the development of border regions. Within the project, he is involved in research related to VR applications, the preparation of a systematic review and the analysis of a word association study

    Dr. Dávid Ágnes PhD

    • Assistant professor
    • University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Chemistry Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
    • E-mail
    • MTMT


    Research interests: Chemistry teaching

    Dr. Egri Sándor PhD

    • Assistant professor
    • University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Physics Institute
    • E-mail
    • MTMT


    Research interests: Investigation of electron spectra generated by high-energy photons from surface layers. Physics methodology: textbook, course and curriculum development, use of mobile phone sensors in physics experiments, mental representation of physics knowledge

    Dr. Herendiné Dr. Kónya Eszter PhD Habil.

    • Associate professor
    • University of Debrecen, Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Mathematics
    • E-mail
    • MTMT


    Research interests: Mathematics didactics

    Kurucz Dóra

    • Biology chemistry teacher, PhD Student
    • University of Debrecen, Juhász-Nagy Pál Doctoral School
    • E-mail


    Research interests: Early science problemsolving

    Malmos Edina

    • Biology, geography teacher, PhD student
    • University of Debrecen Doctoral Program on Educational Sciences
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    • MTMT


    Research interests: Development of science concepts at early childhood

    Dr. Mónus Ferenc PhD Habil.

    • Assistant professor
    • University of Debrecen Faculty of Humanities Institute of Psychology Non-independent Department of General Psychology
    • E-mail
    • MTMT


    Research interests: Education for sustainability

    Dr. Olajos Tímea PhD Habil.

    • Associate professor
    • University of Debrecen Faculty of Humanities Institute of Psychology Non-independent Department of Educational Psychology
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    • MTMT


    Research interests: Personality correlates of talent, the phenomenon of adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism .Systems family psychology

    Dr. Pataky Nóra PhD

    • Assistant professor
    • University of Debrecen Faculty of Humanities Institute of Psychology Non-independent Department of Educational Psychology
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    • MTMT


    Research interests: focus on developmental and child psychology issues: dealing with young people with behavioural problems, developing gifted children, atypical (malignant) creativity

    Sütő Éva

    • Hungarian literature and language teacher, school-teacher, PhD student
    • University of Debrecen Doctoral Program on Educational Sciences
    • E-mail


    Research interests: The role and effectiveness of LEGO technology in education

    Dr. Teperics Károly PhD Habil.

    • Associate professor
    • University of Debrecen  Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Geosciences
    • E-mail
    • MTMT


    Research interests: Geography methodology. The use of maps in education, the potential of VR and spatial issues in educational research.

    Tóthné Dr. Kosztin Beáta PhD

    • Assistant professor
    • Debrecen Reformed Theological University Teacher Training Institute Department of Natural Sciences
    • E-mail


    Research interests: Science education. Education for sustainability.

    Vértessy Balázs

    • Mathematics teacher, PhD student
    • Doctoral School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences  Program for Didactics – teaching of mathematical and computational sciences
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    • MTMT


    Research interests: Methodological research on the development of problem-solving thinking.

    Last update: 2024. 07. 22. 14:31