
Request type

Submission deadline

Submission place


Decision deadline

Changing study program

After the spring semester’s exam period is over until 31st of July

Coordinating Center for International Education

Faculty’s Education Committee

end of August

Credit transfer

Begining of the semesters, in the first 3 weeks. A student may submit a request for course acceptance once (registered as an active), listing all the courses student wishes to be accepted. The student may not request transfer credit in subsequent semesters.

Education Office (on a paper form)

Faculty of Science and Technology

Credit Subcommittee

end of September and February

Subject/course registration

On the registration week and on the first 2 weeks of the semester needed to request it in cases the student wants to complate subjects parallel                                                          

via Neptun system (with an electric request form)

Responsible of the Education with the lecturers

In 5 working days after the request submitted

Late subject/course registration and deregistartion

From the 3rd week of the semester with an electric request form with fee.

via Neptun system (with an electric request form)

Vice dean

In 5 working days after the request submitted


Applying process: in the 2nd semester until April 15th (getting on the specialization in the 3rd semester), in the 3rd semester until September 25th (getting on the specialization in the 4th semester).

In the exact Institute (on paper form)

The exact Institute

May 15th and October 25th

Passive semester

On the registration week and on the first 2 weeks of the semester it is not needed to request it.                                                           In the fall semester until October 14th and in the sring semester until March 14th the requests are needed. After missing of the request’s deadline in the semesters the Education Office turns the status automatically passive.

via Neptun system (with an electric request form)

Vice dean

In 5 working days after the request submitted

Diploma work/Thesis applying deadline

November 15th and April 15th

In the exact Institute

The exact Institute

November 30th and April 30th

Diploma work/Thesis uploading


Student declaration

1 month before the state exam period.


Submission in the same time with the diploma work/thesis

DEA (Library System) and e-learning

In the Neptun system or by the Education Office (on paper form)

No decision


State exam period registration

As the Education Office inform in the Neptun message

via Neptun system

No decision


Termination of Student Status

Constantly (after the settled debt)

Coordinating Center for International Education (on paper form)

Vice dean

In 5 working days after the request submitted

Last update: 2024. 08. 23. 12:39