Development group - MTA-DE Early Science Learning Research Group

Curriculum Developers


Bartha Jánosné Ila

  • Qualified teacher trainer, master teacher (retired)
  • Talent development teacher
  • Talent development specialist
  • International learning trainer
  • Public education expert
  • Research and Development Expert
  • Kölcsey Ferenc Reformed Primary School in Debrecen (retired)
  • Debrecen Reformed Theological University
  • E-mail

Szalay Mária

  • Qualified teacher trainer, master teacher
  • Hungarian language and literature teacher
  • Drama teacher
  • Mental health therapist - health promoter
  • Public education expert
  • Hungarian language and literature textbook developer (grades 1-4)
  • Kölcsey Ferenc Reformed Primary School in Debrecen (retired)
  • Debrecen Reformed Theological University
  • E-mail

Somogyi Emese

  • Primary school teacher
  • Special education teacher,
  • Teacher specialising in the pedagogy of the learning disabled
  • Specialist teacher / talent development, talent care
  • Author of development workbooks for preschool and primary school children published by Magnusz Publishers
  • Reformed EGYMI of Debrecen
  • Location: Kölcsey Ferenc Reformed Primary School in Debrecen
  • E-mail

Kiss Sára

  • Qualified teacher trainer, master teacher
  • Drawing and visual culture teacher
  • Talent development teacher
  • Kölcsey Ferenc Reformed Primary School in Debrecen (retired)
  • Debrecen Reformed Theological University
  • E-mail

Dr. Koncz Gábor PhD

  • Biologist, biology, environmental science teacher, head of school, research. teacher
  • Founder of the Magic Castle Workshop, active educationalist.
  • Author, proofreader and professional responsible for biology textbooks and workbooks.
  • Curriculum expert.
  • Bessenyei György High School and College of Kisvárda
  • E-mail
  • MTMT 

Dr. Konczné Dr. Jámbrik Katalin PhD

  • Biologist, biology, environmental science teacher
  • Active member of the Magic Castle workshop
  • Bessenyei György High School and College of Kisvárda
  • E-mail

Tóth-Gál Zsuzsanna Napsugár

  • Mathematics, chemistry teacher, curriculum developer
  • Active member of the Magic Castle workshop
  • Bessenyei György High School and College of Kisvárda
  • E-mail

Dr. Török-Krasznai Enikő PhD

  • Biologist, biology teacher
  • Center for Ecological Research Institute of Aquatic Ecology Functional Algology Research Group
  • E-mail
  • MTMT

Research interests: Her research interest covers the spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton in shallow lakes and the study of the biodiversity and biomass dynamics of phytoplankton assemblages in lakes and rivers. Since 2021 she has been organising a programme to promote the science of our waters, mainly for kindergarten and primary school children.

Kiss Viktória

  • Biology, mathemtaics graduate student teacher
  • University of Debrecen
  • E-mail

Dósa Eszter

  • Biology, chemistry graduate student teacher
  • University of Debrecen
  • E-mail

Teachers of experimental classes


Balogh Emese

  • Elementary school teacher, pedagogy, child and youth protection teacher
  • Bem József Primary School Gárdonyi Géza Institution Nyíregyháza
  • E-mail

Feketéné Áfra Piroska

  • Elementary school teacher-Hungarian language and literature
  • Dance and drama teacher
  • Hajdúnánás Reformed Primary School and Kindergarten
  • E-mail


Fülöpné Pető Aranka

  • Elmentary school teacher
  • Family and child protection teacher
  • Kossuth Lajos Secondary Grammar School Kossuth Lajos Primary School Tiszafüred
  • E-mail

Dankóné Nagy Andrea

  • Elementary school teacher, visual literacy teacher
  • Várday Kata Reformed Primary School, Secondary Grammar School and Student Hostel, Kisvárda
  • E-mail


Kissné Vékony Zsuzsanna

  • Elementary school teacher
  • Báthory Anna Reformed Primary School and Kindergarten, Nyírbátor
  • E-mail

Mártáné Koi Ágnes

  • Biology, chemistry teacher, digital culture teacher, development teacher
  • Primary School Kölcsey Ferenc Pap
  • E-mail

Révészné Sajtos Judit

  • Biology, technology and life skills teacher
  • Várday Kata Reformed Primary School, Secondary Grammar School and Student Hostel, Kisvárda
  • E-mail

Serbán Mónika

  • Elementary school teacher, teacher of special education
  • Báthory Anna Reformed Primary School and Kindergarten, Nyírbátor
  • E-mail

Smidtné Tompa Erzsébet

  • Elementary school teacher
  • Bem József Primary School Gárdonyi Géza Institution Nyíregyháza
  • E-mail

Feketéné Áfra Piroska

  • Elementary school teacher
  • Kossuth Lajos Secondary Grammar School Tiszafüred Nagyiváni Primary School
  • E-mail
Last update: 2024. 07. 23. 12:53